
Letters Before Action

Our hands-on business experience combined with legal expertise means we can craft an approach that guarantees swift success.

  • Excellent success rate
  • Eliminating costly legal proceedings
  • Concluding debt issues swiftly

Letters Before Action

Concluding a debt issue quickly and avoiding legal proceedings is important for the sake of your business’ future.

A strong, persuasive and well-timed Letter before Action (LBA) will secure payment or at least attain a response from a debtor. With the right approach an LBA will be effective enough to eliminate the need for costly, time consuming legal proceedings.

Because the commercial law specialists at HCB Solicitors have hands-on business experience as well as legal expertise, they are well aware of the approach needed for an LBA to be successful and therefore have an excellent success rate.

  • Impressive level of specialist experience and calm and reasoned approach to debtors.

Need an effective Letter before Action that works so you can avoid costly legal proceedings? Contact HCB Solicitors for a fixed-fee quote.