

Do you believe you have been discriminated against at work? Whether related to your gender, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or disability, and be it direct discrimination or indirect discrimination, in the eyes of the law this is unacceptable and action must be taken.


Specialist Discrimination Claims Advice

Do you believe you have been discriminated against at work? Whether related to your gender, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or disability, and be it direct discrimination or indirect discrimination, in the eyes of the law this is unacceptable and action must be taken.

There are specialist employment lawyers at HCB Solicitors who are dedicated to dealing only with discrimination claims cases and they truly know how badly it can affect you, both at work and in your private life.

Considered Advice; Determined Representation

Considerate and respectful, they’ll listen to you and offer considered advice, based on specific experience. Whilst gentle in their approach to clients, our discrimination lawyers are nothing but resolute when it comes to putting together the strongest evidence and fighting your case.

HCB Solicitors have successfully represented numerous clients in sex discrimination, racial discrimination and disability discrimination cases and also have an excellent track record in winning other less common types of discrimination cases.

Contact HCB Solicitors in complete confidence for specialist discrimination advice. Appointments outside working hours can be arranged.

  • Recognised as a specialist employment team. Good, responsive, and the team keep an eye on what the client wants to achieve though a pragmatic approach.

Problems at work? Contact HCB Solicitors in complete confidence for sympathetic, specialist advice and to discuss the best way forward for everyone involved.  Late night appointments on Thursdays.