
Court of Protection / Deputyship Applications

Supporting your application with specialist guidance throughout, ensuring the very best chance of first time acceptance.

  • In-depth knowledge of the entire application process
  • Continuing assistance to aid you in your role as Deputy
  • Acting as professional Deputy where required

Court of Protection

Court of Protection Deputyship Applications

The Court of Protection safeguards those who are unable to make their own decisions about their health, finance or welfare. This could be if, for example, they have learning difficulties, are experiencing mental health problems, have developed dementia or have lost mental capacity as the result of an accident.

The Court of Protection has the power to appoint ‘Deputies’ to take care of such individuals in the event that no attorney was appointed by way of a Lasting Power of Attorney.

Applying for Deputyship

If you wish to be appointed Deputy by the Court of Protection so you can manage the affairs of a family member or friend, there is a fairly long and complex application process to go through.

Our experts at HCB Solicitors can provide specialist guidance throughout the process. We are fully aware of the requirements of the Court of Protection and will ensure your application has the very best chance of being accepted first time and as swiftly as possible so that you can commence taking care of your vulnerable loved one’s interests without delay.

Our service involves the following steps:

  1. Completion of the Deputyship application form, including listing a number of people to be notified when the application is issued.
  2. Assistance in setting down all the required and very detailed supporting information about the finances and circumstances of the vulnerable person.
  3. Assessment of capacity – we will liaise with a medical practitioner to acquire confirmation that the vulnerable person lacks the mental capacity to manage their own affairs.
  4. Completion of the Deputy’s Declaration which must clearly show that you are an appropriate and capable Deputy.
  5. Serving Notice to those persons listed in the application form and to the vulnerable person on both required occasions.

Advice for Deputies

Once you have been approved to act as Deputy we can advise you on your duties and obligations.

We can also act as a professional Deputy where required.

  • A user-friendly team with a great bedside manner who inspire client confidence and provide very clear opinions.

For specialist advice and fully comprehensive guidance on Deputyship applications from experienced experts, contact HCB Solicitors today.